Therapeutic Treatments


Ayurveda has a supreme set of treatments called panchakarma, five procedures, that can be included in the treatment of almost all diseases.
One of the panchakarma in nasya. Nasya means nose. In this treatment, medicament are instilled into the nasal cavity, in doshas, especially uttamanga (upper body), to achieve desired multidimensional effects.

The nasal medications through the nasal route reach the brain and produce their actions on the various centers of the brain and bring about desired outcomes. The nasal route is an easy and reliable pathway for the administration of medicines, therefore curing it in cases of diseases of the neck and head is of great aid.

Nasya is generally administered in cases of headaches, dryness of nose and mouth, disease of hair etc. It should have vehemently abstained in cases of intoxication, cough, dyspnea, poison, and the first stage of rhinitis.

As prescribed by the doctor.

Benefits of Nasya

Panchakarma procedures produce exemplary results in almost all diseases, this is the reason they are used frequently. Nasya causes the clarity of skin, shoulders, neck, face, and chest, it strengthens the sense organs and also delays greying of hair.